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Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

The holidays are nearly here! Or, at the very least, most everyone has begun to celebrate them. While the holidays are a joyful time for many, they also come with a lot of stress. It can be easy to neglect our health, let the stress get the best of us, and indulge in the bounty of sweet treats and fried foods around us. This is the time of year when many people make promises to themselves that they will eat whatever they want now and lose the weight once the new year comes around. Most often, individuals never lose that weight. With a little preparation, you don’t have to make those empty promises to yourself this year. Follow our healthy tips to stay on track this holiday season.


With a little preparation, you can keep in line with your health and wellness goals. With holiday parties here, and shopping trips there, it can be hard to make sure you eat, let alone eat the right foods. It becomes easy to grab quick, unhealthy foods when you’re on the go or running short on time. A little planning ahead of time goes a long way. Prep meals for the week and schedule time for sit-down meals. You may also need to schedule time to exercise. 

Good preparation also comes into play when you’re attending holiday parties as well. If you aren’t hosting, talk to the host about what foods will be served and bring a few of your own healthy foods that fit into the nutrition plan you’ve received from your doctor. Don’t go to any parties or the grocery store starving, as you are more likely to overeat if you do. Fill up on veggies before anything else. 


Staying hydrated is important all year round, but it’s especially important to remember to hydrate when you are stressed. Water will help you digest your food effectively and can help you flush out toxics (which is perfect if you’ve over-indulged). Additionally, drinking water will help you feel full and satisfied. 

Be Choosy 

It is okay to indulge in some of the foods you love during the holidays. The important thing to remember is to be mindful of what and how much you are consuming. Instead of eating all the sweets at the table, choose only your favorite one and stick to one serving.

Practice Mindfulness 

Remember: there is much more to the holiday season than food. Appreciate the seemingly small moments. Focus on living in the moment and appreciating all that you have. Rather than focusing on what you can or cannot eat, think about the other great parts of the holidays, like friends and family gathering, decorations, and twinkling lights.

Cope with Stress

Stress can cause you to hang on to weight or practice unhealthy behaviors. You may not be sleeping well, you may be turning to junk foods, and you may be skipping workouts. Lean into healthy habits to help you relieve stress. A great sweat session will boost your endorphins and help you feel good, while following a healthy eating plan will nourish your body with the nutrients it craves. Now may be the time to incorporate meditation or yoga into your routine to keep you centered. 

Remember to lean in to your support system this holiday season and to reach out to your Lap-Band™ Specialist for advice.